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               The “Women of Inspiration” paintings have been displayed around the world,

in the Ensign, the “Daughters of My kingdom” book (pg 36) in the Washington D.C. Temple

Visitors Center and at the Church museum of History and Art. I began giving presentations

about the series in Germany in 2003 and have continued to in other countries as well. I enjoy

these times to share my love of these faithful women and what we can learn for each of their

examples! I also enjoy sharing a little about art and how it can be used to uplift and inspire.

During these presentations, we talk about spiritual and emotional subjects – especially to

women and Young Women. I feel so strongly about sharing the stories of these women – their faith in the Lord, their humility, and their effort to do what is right. With each painting I pray for guidance and study as much as I can so that I might be a proper vessel to tell each sister’s story through paint.


 If you are interested in scheduling an activity or fireside, here’s some information for you to think about.



   My presentations center on the “Women of Inspiration” series of paintings. The women – and ideals they represent – make a wonderful theme on their own, but there are many other hidden gems that can be the focus. In the past, I have discussed with leaders around which theme they would like me to center my presentation. It may be their theme for the year or just that night. Listed below are some of the possible presentation/themes I have or could center my talk around. The women/paintings that are listed would be the ones I would speak about under that topic. I’m always open to new ideas as well! Plan on at least 1 hour for a presentation.


  • Women of Inspiration (all the paintings)

  • Sharing our talents to uplift others (any painting)

  • Faith through trials (Pioneer Mother, Eve, Jochebed & Moses, Many more…)

  • Faith precedes the miracle (Hawns Mill, Mary, Mothers of stripling warriors, Widow of Zaraphath)

  • Women as ‘Precious and chosen Vessels’ (Vessel painting, Rachel & Leah, Eve, Esther, Shepherdess )

  • Pioneering women (Pioneer Mother, Hawns Mill, Ruth & Naomi, Eve)

  • Listening to inspiration (5 wise, Hawns Mill, Mary, Mothers of Stripling Warriors, Jochebed & Miriam & Moses, Esther)

  • Unity (5 wise, Rachel & Leah, Iron Rod, Esther (yep!), Ruth & Naomi)

  • Shepherding/Visiting Teaching (Tending the Flock, ‘Iron Rod’ painting, Ruth & Naomi)

  • Preparedness (the 5 wise, Our Mothers Knew It)

  • Sacrifice (Pioneer Mother, A Mother’s Sacrifice – Moses, Widow of Zarapath, Ruth & Naomi, Esther)

  • Standing firm and staying true (5 wise, Esther, Ruth & Naomi)



Materials & Set up

   This is more on my shoulders than yours. I can usually bring only a couple of paintings (You can request!) and the rest I will show with a powerpoint presentation. This way I can also share background information on each painting, such as photographs of the models, the scripture that inspired it, etc. I have an easel, but any extra (especially if I’m driving far) would be welcomed! I will also bring a projector and my laptop. If you have a way to hook into speakers of the building itself, that would be a good idea. I will need a screen as well. Because of the regulations for use of a chapel, this presentation may do better in a cultural hall, unless special permission is given to have pictures in the chapel.

I should also mention that I don’t sell prints of the artwork while I’m visiting. I really want the focus to be on the message that we learn from the women. Some groups have ordered special notecards of one of my paintings with the theme of the night included on the image. If this interests you, please let me know your ideas about a month before the scheduled date.


Making the date

    Because I’m doing this on my own time and dime, and also because I still have to be home to drive kiddos to seminary, practices and be YW President, I can’t go out as often as I’d like. So What I recommend is contacting me with possible dates during the year if you live far from me. All too often I’ll finish a presentation and have someone ask if I could come back and do another ward/stake nearby, and it breaks my heart to know that I may never be able to. So please try to put together large groups – multiple wards or stakes – because it’s likely I’ll only be able to come out once. If we can’t find a date right off, I’ll put your information on hold until I can come out – even if it’s just passing through on a family trip! So it’s a good idea to just be on my list! You never know! Also I would be grateful for any help finding a room to stay in while there (if I’m alone)!

*As we get closer to the set date, let me know if you would like images or help in making a flier to get word out!



   I’m sure you have many! I’ve found each situation to be different, so feel free to contact me through this website!

"Women of Inspiration" Presentations

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